Fuji& Cherry International
At Fuji & Cherry International Inc., we select products with market needs, develop plans, and consign production to domestic and overseas factories for speedy commercialization. Global human resources under Japanese manager, such as Chinese, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese. We are professional and able to select the domestic and overseas factories and response to the situation quickly.
How Fuji& Cherry International Inc.
connects to customers?
Fuji& Cherry International Inc. provides good quality and safety products to customers according to the marketing research that fit customer needs and satisfy them.
Fuji& Cherry International Inc. is responsible for look for overseas factories, negotiation, and production responsible for look for overseas factories, negotiation, and production management.
It takes only 3 months from sample production to mass production.
Strengths of Fuji& Cherry International Inc.
We are good at research of E-commerce and able to provide quality product fitting into customer needs. Thus, the inventory risk would be well controlled.
Speedy Commercialization
We look for overseas factories quickly. It only takes 6 months averagely for product commercialization. The fastest time would be only 3 months. There are Business trips for 1-2 times per month in order to keep in touch with factories timely and check the status of production progress.
Quality Control of Production Line
Quality control is emphasized. 1-2 times business per month in order to keep checking the production line.
Global Human Resources
We are cooperating with Japanese language school and vocational school and actively recruiting foreigners with good language skills, various experiences about trading, and good negotiation skills. Now, we have Chinese, Hong Kong and Taiwanese as our regular employees.
Product Lineup
The number and type of products Fuji& Cherry International Inc. designed and planned are diverse which mainly are consumer appliances related to health and beauty.